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 地点:云南  发布时间:2018/11/23 13:52:19 字体大小:+
 会议开始时间:2019/6/1  会议结束时间:2019/6/3

第二届知觉、意识与认知神经科学国际188bet体育(CPACN 2019)

The 2nd Int’l Conference on Perception, Awareness and Cognitive Neuroscience (CPACN 2019)





邮箱投稿: confws6@163.com


△. 会议简介

CPACN 2019旨在为业内专家学者分享技术进步和业务经验,聚焦知觉、意识与认知神经科学相关领域的前沿研究,提供一个交流的平台。会议将集聚来自世界各地的科研人员、工程师、学者及业界专家,展示他们在知觉、意识与认知神经科学相关领域的最新研究成果及活动进展。我们谨代表工程信息研究院(ENGII)诚邀您同聚昆明,共襄盛会。





△. 大会咨询


邮箱: confws6@163.com

QQ: 3025797047

电话: +86-151 7247 9625

△. 本次会议征稿主题但不限于:

Neural mechanisms of feature integration in object perception

Predictive coding in perception and cognition

The role of neuronal oscillations in computation and communication in multi-scale brain networks

Attention, awareness and control

Auditory processing

Expectation and attention in visual cognition: neural and computational approaches

From single neuron responses to neuronal population oscillations during vision and memory: new insights from human intracranial recordings

Monitoring our memories: Neural mechanisms and age-related changes

Complex networks, dynamics and neural information processing in the brain

Human genetics of cognition

Functional significance of human prefrontal theta oscillations during cognitive control and learning

Probing Cortical Oscillations with Transcranial Stimulation

Serotonin, motivation and action in learning and decision-making

The relationship between attention and working memory

EEG/fMRI integration and the connectivity in the brain

How alpha oscillations shape the functional network of the working brain

Successful aging: a neurocognitive perspective

Regulating access to consciousness: Cortical mechanisms of attention

Adaptive, goal-directed behavior: prefrontal cortex and beyond

Cognitive Aging

Consciousness and Awareness

Human Intra-cranial Electrophysiology

Modeling and Analysis of Brain Signals

Motor Information Processing

Multimodal Integration of EEG, MEG and fMRI data

Neural Bases of Arithmetics and Numerosity

Neuropsychiatric Applications

Quantitative Analysis of EEG, MEG & Brain Oscillations

Emotion, Motivation and the Social Brain

Neural Bases of Language

Neural Bases of Memory and Learning

Performance Monitoring and Cognitive Control

Neurophysiology of Cognition and Attention

Neurophysiology of Sensation and Perception

Decision Making, Reward Processing & Response Selection

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